The last activity we have done in IT class is one we investigate our classmates in order to see,
what can I find about my classmates? The person I have investigated was Andrés M. from 4ºA, and using his name and surnames in Google with
quotation marks (example: "Federico García Lorca") an with the name in the last position (example: "García Lorca, Federico"), and with this technique I was in charged of investigating Andrés M, and Santiago C. from 4ºA (my partner) investigated Álvaro G. from 4ºA, and we found this information
Álvaro G. 4ºA:
- Plays in preferente, cadete group 1 (Rayo Majadahonda)
- 16 years old. birthday 22th of January
- Losed 2-5 against Villaviciosa (Rozas)
- Rozas F (2014-2015 season)
- Spanish
- Alvaro's blog:
- Symbaloo - Álvaro García 4ºA
Andrés M. 4ºA:
- His twitter, google+, youtube account
- Favorite football team: Átletico de Madrid, but he also likes Cristiano Ronaldo
- Likes famous spanish youtubers such as: Auronplay, Perxxita, Wismichu, Jordi Wild and so on.
After this investigation, I was supposed to find: What do others see about me on the Internet? So with the same thechnique used in the other part of the activity I found some interesting things about me on Internet:
- Athlete of Majadahonda's Athletics Club
- My birthday
- The days and the results of some competitions I did
If this is what other people can find about me on Internet, what does Google know about me?:
- I'm a boy
- I'm 25 to 34 years old (false)
- In the places I have gone appears the Athletic track of Majadahonda
- My daily web activity and apps functions
- Devices I have logged in (my computer, mobile phone, and so on)
And I have stopped the web activity and apps function forever because I don't want Google to send my information to advertisements business which will have my information and send my personalized advertisements but also know everything about me, so my privacity won't exist if I decided to continue with this function.
To continue, the last part show what Google know but, what Google shows to other people about me?:
- I live in Pangaea
- I'm a boy
- My birthday
So we can see that Google controls all our information and also sells it to business which will decide our advertisements and have also this information. In conclusion, we should be aware of what we share in internet and decide to show only the necesary.
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